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Did you know that your stress and anxiety levels, energy production, ability to focus and concentrate, performance and endurance, and even your sex life, depend on your body's carbon dioxide (CO2) levels? We are carbon-based creatures and CO2 is needed for all life forms.

Finally, the CarboHaler is here. Get your device today and start enjoying the benefits of CO2 therapy, one of the most effective therapies ever discovered.

The CarboHaler is a device that adds extra carbon dioxide to the air you inhale while at the same time reducing the amount of oxygen you take in.

But wait a minute. When it comes to breathing, oxygen is the good guy and carbon dioxide is the bad guy, right!?

So why add extra CO2 and reduce oxygen in the air you inhale?

Well, even though we are very dependent on oxygen, it's all about balance.

Your car doesn’t go better if you give it more fuel. Too much is just as bad as getting too little fuel.

Your car needs the right amount of fuel, which will differ depending on how fast you drive. It is exactly the same with our breathing.

Your intake of oxygen and exhale of excess carbon dioxide should match your metabolic demand.

Carbohaler benefits

  • Reduce Mental Stress
  • Slow Down Your Breathing
  • Heal Emotional Wounds
  • Open Up Your Blood Vessels
  • Increase Muscle Strength
  • More Blood To Your Brain
  • Faster Recovery After Exercise
  • Open Up Your Airways

So if you want to increase your body's gas mileage and improve your oxygen efficiency - boosting carbon dioxide and restricting oxygen is the way to go.


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